
torsdag 31. januar 2013 Polyglot Testing Esoteriske språk Forth

Jammen klarte jeg å levere et programmeringsspråk til PLT Games i januar også (se desember-bidraget Ropy her). README-filen sier det meste, så her er den gjengitt:

FORTHolito is a programming language - specifically an (incomplete) implementation of the FORTH programming language - made just for fun and for the learning experience. The interpreter is implemented in Ruby, and it has an interactive REPL.

But it's more! It's my entry into the PLT Games: Testing the Waters competition. I made it possible to write extensions to FORTHolito, and then wrote a test extension.

When you run FORTHolito with this extension all words you define have to include one or more tests - working examples of how the word operates.

Here's an example of a word definition in FORTHolito:

: multiple-of? ( x n -- flag ) mod 0= ;

If I use the test extension however I would write it like this:

: multiple-of? ( x n -- flag ) mod 0= 
  <EXAMPLE> given: 3 6  expect: true
  <EXAMPLE> given: 3 4  expect: false

FORTHolito (or FORTH basically) makes for some nice tests when all you do is operate on a data stack. The givens are just stack operations - "given 3 and 6 are pushed onto the stack". What's left on the stack when the word has been called is the expected part.

Try it out

FORTHolito is a small and limited language. But if you're just curious about FORTH, or want to see how you can implement a simple language in Ruby, you should clone it and fire up the REPL.

FORTHolito have some basic options. Run it with --help to see how it's used:

C:\dev\fortholito [master]> .\fortholito --help

  FORTHolito [options] [files]

  --eval <code>         Evaluate code. Everything after --eval
                        is considered FORTHolito code. Code is
                        evaluated after files.
  --extend <extension>  Load an extension by name. Extensions
                        are loaded before files.
  --help                Display this help and exit.

When you enter the REPL this is what you'll see:

C:\dev\fortholito [master]> .\fortholito
Welcome to FORTHolito version 0.2 by @tormaroe
Type 'help' and hit [ENTER] to get started..

If you now type help you'll get a list of useful words to try out:

ok  help
  words       \ display all words in the vocabulary
  describe    \ pop word (string) and show details
  .           \ pop and print the top item from the stack
  .s          \ display stack once
  showstack   \ toggle display of stack between commands
  stacktrace  \ display all modifications to stack for debugging
  help:stack  \ cheat sheet of stack overations
  bye         \ exit REPL

To get a feel for how much (or how little) of FORTH I've implemented in FORTHolito, type words:

ok  words
 *                  +                  -                  -rot
 .                  .s                 /                  0<
 0<=                0<>                0=                 0>
 0>=                1+                 1-                 2*
 2/                 2drop              2dup               <
 <=                 <>                 =                  >
 >=                 abs                and                between
 bye                clear              cr                 depth
 describe           drop               dup                false
 help               help:stack         max                min
 mod                negate             nip                noop
 or                 over               push-range         rand
 rot                showstack          space              stacktrace
 swap               true               tuck               within

In addition to the words there are some constructs like if and iteration using begin..until and begin..while..repeat. You should have a look in the examples directory as well as the spec.rb file to learn more.

As a treat to Ruby developers I've also made it possible to drop into Ruby inside strings.

ok  "#{ 2 + 2 }"
ok  "2 + 2 equals "
ok  . . cr
2 + 2 equals 4

Final thoughs

FORTHolito hasn't become all I hoped it would be. I had big plans for the test extension when I started - it would become this great, interactive development environment for producing perfectly tested and safe code. I still believe my vision is possible, and possibly even useful, but it would take more time.

The drive and passion I had in the beginning has dissipated for now. But it was great fun while it lasted - and maybe some day I'll pick up where I left off. Either way I did manage to enter into the PLT Games again.

FORTHolito finner du på Github.

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