Skal vi aldri lære?

lørdag 28. mars 2009 Meninger

The Inquisitive Coder, Davy Brion, er lei seg og frustrert over tingenes tilstand i software-bransjen. Hvorfor lærer vi aldri, spør han. Hans blogpost reflekterer også min oppfatning for tiden, som er noe av grunnen til at jeg fokuserer så sterkt på personlig utvikling. Spesielt likte jeg følgende uttalelse:

A lot of people not only accept the fact that software is often buggy or unreliable, they’ve even come to expect it! Software that crashes? Oh that’s ok, just restart it. Weird error messages? Oh that’s ok, just click on them and they go away. Is it slow? Well everything is slow these days! I’ve often wondered exactly how we ended up with this culture of accepted and expected mediocrity.

At least there is one benefit: if you’re not a complete idiot, you’ve got a pretty good shot at a successful career in this field.

Takk til Mark Nijhof for linken..

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